May 13, 2024

Webinar Highlights: Navigating High-Volume Hiring Challenges

This webinar, hosted by AMS and Bryq, focused on the specific challenges and strategies of hiring a large number of employees quickly, with a special emphasis on skills-based hiring solutions.

Our expert panel, including AMS's specialists in Skills Strategy and High-Volume Hiring, along with thought leaders from Bryq, shared valuable insights on how to improve talent acquisition and management for large-scale recruitment. Participants learned about the latest strategic thinking and technology to help identify, nurture, and keep top talent in high-demand situations.

This session was designed for HR professionals facing the difficulties of high-volume hiring and looking to improve their recruitment processes using skills-based methods. Viewers walked away with practical strategies and solutions to build a stronger organization and gain a competitive edge by mastering precise hiring techniques.

Watch the highlights video below or access the full webinar here.

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